Recoverable ASW Training Target tested during REPMUS24!
In collaboration with the Danish Navy, Naval Weapons Centre, we successfully deployed and tested our ASW Training target, RECALL, for the very first time in operation.
Developped with PYTHEAS Technology, who handle the sonar, we were able to complete the test while being detected by multiple acoustic systems. 📢
What is RECALL?
A recoverable micro-UUV solution dedicated to ASW.
📢 Reply to modern sonar and torpedos.
🧭 Accurate navigation.
💻 Diversified mission programs.
🔊 Active and/or passive.
💸 Recoverable: cost effective and post analysis.
💪 Single operator deployment
👏 Special thanks go to the Danish Navy, Naval Weapons Centre, with whom we deployed RECALL, to our partner RS Aqua Ltd and the Royal Navy for organizing the ASW exercise and to the French Navy.
auv asw aswtraining antisubmarinewarfare microauv repmusNATO Maritime GEOMETOC Centre of Excellence Marinha Portuguesa , WeAreNATO, REPMUS24, MaritimeUnmannedSystems, Strongertogether, Innovationtechnologies, InnovationNATO ArtificialIntelligence
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