MARVEL-MAGNETO AUV just make AUV technology accessible. Using MARVEL-MAGNETO is certainly nowadays one of the most simple and cost-effective way to detect magnetic anomalies.
Equipped with a fluxgate magnetometer sensor from Sensys MARVEL-MAGNETO provide with a great quality of image with high-stability, accurate navigation and capable of managing coastal areas with waves and current.
MARVEL-MAGNETO is equipped with underwater acoustic positioning and communication module.
With an autonomy up to 8 hours, and speed up to 6knots, and depth rated at 300m.
Thanks to the INX navigation, DVL and acoustic positioning, MARVEL-MAGNETO is able to have a navigation accuracy equal to <5m absolute positioning within USBL surface module range.
SEAPLAN software provides an ideal and versatile interface for the MARVEL-MAGNETO AUV and have pre-defined lawn-mover patterns to make a swift scan mission.
Thanks to its mission programming savings and updates, SEAPLAN facilitates discovery of new area as well as repetitive mission in similar locations.
MARVEL-MAGNETO is provided with all the necessary functions to be ready-to-deploy :
- INX Navigation system
- SEAPLAN Software
- Embedded rechargeable batteries
- Field case and accessories
- Acoustic positioning and communication module
- Autonomous buoy with USBL unit and dual antenna GNSS-RTK module
*MARVEL AUV is subject to dual use export license from SBDU authority in France.

Get the MARVEL-MAGNETO datasheet
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"*" indicates required fields
Frequency: 1Mhz
Max altitude: 50 meters
Max velocity: 2,6 m/s
Velocity resolution: 0.01 mm/s
Range: X, Y, Z magnetic vector @ 100 Hz
Measurement Range: +/-100.00nT
Resolution: <150 pT
Linearity: <20 ppm
Acoustic positioning and communication module
Acoustic range: 1km radius horizontal, 1km vertical
Range Resolution: +/-0.1m
Velocity of Sound Range: 1300ms-1 to 1700ms-1
Beacon Velocity: Active Doppler compensation, up to 15kts
For complementary payload options please contact us.
Applications examples:
- Mine countermeasures applications